Ah, yes -- Eliza started nursery! HOORAY! She is such a little busybody, and the last few months of church have been, um... less than spiritual for me. She had no trouble going to nursery at all. I set her down and she took a moment to look around. When she saw the toys on one side and Katie, the nursery leader who she already loves, on the other, she jumped right in and never looked back. Apparently one little boy is already smitten with her -- he was following her around hugging her saying "Cute!" all day. Ah, young love. Here she is on her first day of nursery:
Notice the awesome stripey tights from Auntie Jana and the corduroy skirt made Mommy. I'm definitely getting better at this sewing thing!
We also had fun celebrating Crystal, my dad, and Noah's birthdays this month. We really like to clump birthdays together in this family! Here are a couple of my favorite pics from our cute little Noah's birthday party.
This guy knows how to react to opening a present!
Sammy says he didn't cheat to win pin the tail on the donkey, but the jury's still out on that one...
During that same weekend we also got to go see a bunch of my little Neves cousins in their elementary school play, Choc-a-block. It was all about a chocolate lovers' club I could totally get behind -- their pledge went something like this: "Chocolate dark or chocolate light, I'll eat chocolate day and night!" Where do I sign up?! I was so proud of all my cousins -- they did a great job! We had a fun family gathering at my parents' house afterward, too.
Phew! March is shaping up to be a very busy month as well -- never a dull moment around these parts! And now, I must go get ready for cub scouts!
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